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Preparatory terms for Āyurvedic medicine
Preparatory terms for Āyurvedic medicine, Prerequisite Part Two
10-hour, online workshop with Certificate of Completion
Essential Sanskrit Part Three
Preparation: 9 hours, preparatory study
Live test: 1 hour, one-on-one with a qualified instructor
Workshop resources
Workshop access links will be activated within two business days. All workshop materials are available via Google drive, including pre-recorded lectures, view-only PDFs for the workbook, and self-assessment quizzes. You will also receive a private Google drive shared folder to submit your homework prior to live class.
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This workshop builds on the knowledge from parts one and two by introducing the student to common Sanskrit terms used in Āyurvedic medicine. All terms are studied in ĀYUT-transliterated form.
Students gain familiarity and mastery over each term by applying skills from previous workshops including word dissection, akṣhara composition analysis, schwa and virāma identification and sandhi recognition.
Terms are analyzed from an etymological perspective to determine their Sanskrit dhātu (root term), prefixes and suffixes. Students practice pronunciation of these Sanskrit terms and memorize their basic English translations through direct meanings and conceptual explanations. Terms with complex meanings are explained in greater detail to identify limitations of English translations.
Grammatical usage of terms, synonyms, antonyms and comparative sets are discussed. Students learn how to include the correct grammatical forms of Sanskrit terms in English sentences along with basic rules for Anglicization of Sanskrit terms through examples of singular, plural, noun, adjective and other grammatical forms.
This workshop focuses on learning terms from their etymological and grammatical perspectives. These terms which are common in Āyurveda and Yoga are translated to provide English equivalent terms or conceptual explanations to aid in memorization.
Introductory definitions
Start with a clear, concise introduction to Āyurvedic medicine with a review of definitions for some of the most commonly used terms. See how terms are defined directly from classical literature and compare that to various perspectives and opinions today.
Key terms
Review the key terms that constitute the foundation of Āyurvedic medicine. Learn their roots, prefixes and suffixes, and practice word dissection and akṣhara notation.
Contextual disambiguation
Learn how common terms are used in many contexts based on the area of specialization in Āyurvedic medicine. New students and seasoned practitioners will find this vital to understanding the correct application of Āyurveda for scientific applications.
Translations and correlations
Explore each term to understand whether it can reasonably and accurately be translated into English. Several terms have various correlations to Western concepts, but no valid equivalent. Students will appreciate the value of Sanskrit terms in their original form to maintain the quality and intention of Āyurvedic medicine.
Preparatory lectures (6 hours)
Lessons one through six are a minimum of one hour each with a pre-recorded lecture, workbook reading, self-assessment quiz and optional further research.
Lesson one
Āyurveda, Sukha, Duḥkha, Prakṛti, Vikṛti
Lesson two
Guṇa, Karma, Śharīra, Manas, Doṣha
Lesson three
Vāta, Pitta, Kapha, Rajas, Tamas
Lesson four
Sattva, Agni, Dhātu, Rasa, Rakta
Lesson five
Māṁsa, Medas, Asthi, Majjā, Śhukra
Lesson six
Srotas, Mala, Mūtra, Purīṣha, Sveda
Study and memorization (3 hours)
Complete the workbook exercises in writing using transliterated Devanāgarī. Submit your work in clear, legible, electronic form. Memorize all material from the lessons, practice recitation and write the transliterated alphabet from memory.
Lesson seven
Term review: Āyurveda, Sukha, Duḥkha, Prakṛti, Vikṛti, Guṇa, Karma
Lesson eight
Term review: Śharīra, Manas, Doṣha, Vāta, Pitta, Kapha, Rajas, Tamas
Lesson nine
Term review: Sattva, Agni, Dhātu, Rasa, Rakta, Māṁsa, Medas
Lesson ten
Term review: Asthi, Majjā, Śhukra, Srotas, Mala, Mūtra, Purīṣha, Sveda
Live test (1 hour)
Lessons one through ten
Demonstrate competency via memorization online with a qualified instructor.
Requirements for successful completion
Memorization and recitation of all 50 terms, in order
Explanation of term dhātus, word dissection, meanings, correlations, etc
Discussion of concepts, misunderstandings, Q&A
Any additional requirements as determined by the instructor